Friday, September 9, 2011

MS Dixie Shimmer Pageant

I have another pageant coming up! Dixie Shimmer! I am so excited! I can't wait to go dress shopping (my favorite part)

A Few New Paintings.. :)

...more to come :)
email me if you are interested in any paintings.. I take requests.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Apartment. College. :)

I am finally settled in to my very first apartment :)(even though my parents are still paying my bills..haha)
My roommate and longtime friend, Landon, are finally getting used to living together.. it's kind of crazy sometimes. Landon is the goofiest guy you'll ever meet. He's cray-cray..

College is so different than high school. Everyone said that I would have to study, unlike high school.. but I didn't really take them serious. I knew I would have to put forth a little effort, but it's a lot harder than I expected!
I have met so many new people though. That's been my favorite part!

No matter how great college is, I will always miss South Pontotoc High School!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Razor bumps?

Hey ladies! A problem a lot of ladies have in common is having the dreaded razor bumps after shaving! I unfortunately have this problem!! One solution I've found that works well for me is shaving with conditioner instead of shaving cream or gel... And be sure to use a good skin moisturizer afterwards!

Xoxo- Callie

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Adele has created possibly my favorite album thus far.
How can you not instantly fall in love with lyrics like this...

Nevermind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead,"
Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead, yeah,

You know how the time flies,
Only yesterday was the time of our lives,
We were born and raised in a summer haze,
Bound by the surprise of our glory days...


You're giving up so easily,
I thought you loved me more than this,

But go on and take it
Take it all with you
Don't look back
At this crumbling fool
Just take it all with my love
Take it all

I will change if I must,
Slow it down and bring it home,
I will adjust,
If only you knew,
Everything I do,
Is for you

Those are only quotes from two songs. The album "21" is packed with completely awesome lyrics

"Sometimes Never Lasts Forever"

It's been four hard months since we said goodbye,
And I know I shouldn't but I still cry.... Sometimes.
I miss your touch and how we loved so much.
The way we kissed and all there is to be missed.... Sometimes.
Sometimes I cry for you, I long for you, I even almost crawl back to you.
But, Baby, If I've learned anything it's that...
Sometimes never lasts forever.
Oh, no. No.. Sometimes never lasts forever.
We laughed and smiled and played for a while.
We were happy as can be.. or so it seemed.... Sometimes.
You opened my door and kissed me goodnight.
And that made me feel alright.... Sometimes.
Sometimes I cry for you, I long for you, I even almost crawl back to you.
But, Baby, If I've learned anything it's that...
Sometimes never lasts forever.
Oh, no. No.. Sometimes never lasts forever.

"Love Gone Wrong"

This isn't quite finished yet, but I'm not sure where to go from here. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them.

This aint a long song, it's about love gone wrong.
I gave you all my time, & you broke me down inside.
I tried and tried, & I cried and cried, & you lied and lied.
You had me at your fingertips, now I'm letting the truth slip.
Soon the whole world will know what you put me through.

Because this ain't no love song, it's about love gone wrong.
You mistreated my heart, but you mixed up your cards.
See she is my friend and this is where your game ends.
Now it's our time to play, us getting hurt, it stops today.

Because this ain't no love song, it's about love gone wrong.
I don't need you here to bring me down.
I've realized my worth & I'm not gonna frown.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Please go look at my etsy shop!
We feature:
-Handmade jewelry
-Hand painted onesies for babies

Friday, June 3, 2011

"Crooked Smile, Old Faded Blue Jean Summer"

That crooked smile, then old faded blue jeans,
The thought of you takes me back to my favorite scenes,
Sitting on the tailgate of your pickup truck,
Feeling like I'm in a dream, but just my luck,
You squeeze my hand a little stronger,
Then tickle me 'til I can't take it any longer,
I try to get away, but I really don't wanna escape.
No, I really wanna stay in this crooked smile, old faded blue jean summer.

It's a beautiful sight, lookin' in your eyes,
Everything's alright with you by my side,
I love your crazy crooked smile and them old faded blue jeans,
When I think of them I go back to my favorite scenes.
Looking up at the star-filled sky,
You said, "I never do this and I don't know why."
We found the dippers and a shooting star,
I made my wish as you walked me to my car,
I didn't wanna leave, but we kissed good-bye,
It feels like this crooked smile, old faded blue jean summer is flying by.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Been busy, busy, busy... GRADUATION!

I haven't posted anything in a while! I have been superrr busy! We have had senior parties and luncheons everyday for weeks! It's crazy! I graduate in TWO days. Then TWO days after that I leave PANAMA city beach! I can't wait! I'm not real sure how I feel about everything just yet :)

Friday, April 22, 2011


All girls will struggle with self-esteem at some point in their life. I know that I struggled for a long time to be okay with my body and my looks. Comments that other girls make do not help your thoughts about yourself.

The important thing to remember is that the person making rude comments about you means NOTHING to you. Don't let other people view's and opinion's about you affect you. YOU be YOU. Not who THEY want YOU to be.

Love yourself. Embrace your flaws; they make you who you are.

Monday, April 11, 2011

More Pictures of Marilyn.. Including the last pic ever taken

The last picture is the last photo of Marilyn taken, just days before death. That is her and Buddy Greco!

A few pageant pics!

Pic #1: I decided to get extensions for the pageant!
Pic #2: Hair & Make up for opening number
Pic #3: Sports Wear Outfit minus the shoes
Pic #4: Evening Gown Dress

More to come soon!
PS- My camera is scratched.. That's why there are black spots everywhere!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pageant Tonight!

The pageant was tonight!
I got 1st alternate, most photogenic, director's award, and ad sales award!
Pics tomorrow!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pageant Day Tmrw!!!!

The pageant is tomorrow! I'm nervous & excited! I have everything together and done. Now if only I can do as good up there as I did during practice! Ahh! Cross your fingers & say a prayer (or two) that I'll do good!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Unhealthy, but So good

In sociology we are having to do a culture project and I had Ireland. Here is my Irish Recipe I cooked!

So good; but so bad.

First Day of April Outfit!

Outfit for going out with my best for sushi & a movie.
Dress- Spring Street
Jewelry- Forever 21
Boots- Charlotte Russe

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This is me and my Mommy. She is the greatest. She does so much for me and encourages all of my crazy dreams. She one of my best friends (and always will be)

Holly Madison

Is Holly Madison becoming an icon as big as Marilyn Monroe?

Personally, I think she's close! :) Love her!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Me and My Sweet Boyfriend.

Pageant dress thoughts?!

I found my pageant dress!!! What's your thoughts??

Me and Marilyn!

Gosh I love her!

Marilyn Monroe.

Marilyn Monroe has been such a hugh icon in my life. Although I don't agree with everything she did, she still has a huge influence on my life goals and dreams. She defied all odds and becamse a sex symbols; size 14. She was comfortable in her body and that give many girls today hope that they don't HAVE to be size zero and 5'11'' to be a model. I think that Marilyn gave so much to the camera because she felt like the camera gave so much in return. She is by far my favorite icon of all time.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor.

Elizabeth Taylor is considered one of the last, if not the last major star, to have come out of the old Hollywood studio system. And not just any studio, the top of the heap: MGM. Her early movies, as a child in the early 1940s, starred such Hollywood luminaries as Orson Welles and Spencer Tracy. She quickly grew up, however, and by 1950 was, if not starring in, assuming major responsibilities for the success of motion pictures she appeared in. Then with major roles onscreen, came worldwide attention off-screen, most notably due to a succession of famous and/or rich husbands and a series of health crises throughout her life. To put it simply, Elizabeth Taylor has lived a life far more exciting and dramatic than any movie she's ever appeared in and probably most any other movie you could name. She's known internationally for her beauty, especially for those violet eyes, with which she captured audiences early on in her youth and has kept the world hooked on ever since. She's won the Oscar twice and she's earned her place in and out of the sun.

Scary Night.

Last night was a nightmare-come-true!..
I was woken at almost 4 A.M. to someone tapping on my window. I was way too scared to move, call someone, see who it was. So I just laid there allll morning until it was time to get up. THEN I dozed off as soon as my alarm went off.. Epic fail!

But needless to say. I am SO scared to fall asleep!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Maggie's First Pageant

I did my little cousin's hair and make up for her first pageant! Doesn't she look so gorgeous?! I think so!

Prom Dress for Sale!

A beautiful Cinderella Divine prom dress. So cute. Size 10. For more information email me or comment! We can negotiate a price!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Etiquette; What I've learned.

In preparing for this pageant I have been reading a lot about pageant etiquette. Some things I have learned are:
1) Do not say umm during the interview
2) Take at least three seconds after the question is asked before you begin your answer so it will not seem so rehearsed
3) Don't ever look scared or intimidated when on stage or in interview
4) Always appear comfortable
5) Don't stomp or walk fast
7) Enjoy yourself
8) Choose outfits that compliment your body type

Modeling.. Maybe.

I have been trying to get into shape so I can become an editorial/representative model. I don't wanna be "skinny" I have curves, I just want them to be toned. A modeling agency has called me twice, but I am not quite ready to meet with an agency just because I want to be at the body I am aiming before I try to get my name out there.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Teeth Whitening WHILE you tan!

My mom called me from California 2 days ago to tell me about these things they have in the tanning shops. They whiten your teeth while you lay! She is sending me one! I'll post pics and results asap!


Interview outfit!

Today we went on a double date to the zoo (how fun). Then we went shopping for some pageant clothes. After hours of shopping I finally found my interview outfit. I bought a pencil skirt. And my mom (who is in California, not Mississippi) bought a silk shirt and nude peep toe heels and is going to ship them to me. I will post a pic as soon as the shipment arrives!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Transformation Part One.

Although I am not shy, on stage and in front of people I do not know I tend to be a little less out-going. As part of my life transformation I am beginning to do pageants. They are an effective and enjoyable way to build confidence, poise, and character! I have only been in one pageant so far. My high school pageant and I did not place. The next pageant I am in will be on April 9th and is a larger pageant! I am excited and I have been working hard to be able to do my best!

Pageant Time!

On April 9th I am going to be in my town's local hospitality pageant. My competition areas are Interview, opening number, fitness wear, and evening gown. If you have any ideas please comment or email me.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Outfit of the day.

Today I wore a dressy-casual silver tank with black jeggings and cute wedges.

Life Lesson #1

Don't prioritize wrong. Worry about your happiness over hurting someone's feelings. Especially if that person has hurt you many times over and again. Love yourself. That's crucial to being happy because if you love yourself you will not let someone hurt you constantly. It's one of the hardest things in life, I believe.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Trends!

Nude Pumps!

Colorful Accessories (especially scarves)


Stripes, Hi Low Dresses (short in the front and longer in the back), Sheer Dresses, Lace, Tassels, Bell Bottoms, Wide Leg Pants, Capri Pants, Jumpsuits, Crop Tops.

What will you be taking part in and what trends will you steer clear of?

Outfit of the day.

Outfit for a day flea marketing!

Outfit of the day.

This was an outfit for school last week.. My favorite black skinny jeans and favorite leather jacket. Looking back I should have worn my black biker-ish boots.