Friday, December 31, 2010

Back in MS

Hello loves...
I am back in MS. I meant to post this last night but i was beat!
So yesterday morning we got up at 4 to get ready and be at the airport by 6, barely made our first flight. They were boarding when we got on. The first flight went pretty smoothly, I got to sit next to a nice, but not overly annoyingly nice, woman. However, that flight was quite delayed which meant we had to run (with 80 lbs of luggage) all the way across the Minneapolis airport (which isn't small) to barely make our flight. My arms are sore from it this morning. At least I got my workout in! I have been missing the workout bc of the holidays.

I was so excited to see Stuart when I got off the plane! And guess what? He had a present in hand (do I have a good boyfriend or what?)We got to the car and I opened all my presents.. :) I got the diamond necklace I've been wanting, a scrapbook, Michael Jackson The Experience (!!!(&$*%^A(#*&), Step Brothers, Burlesqu Sountrack, and a stocking full of goodies!

Once I got home it felt SO good to be in my bed. However, I had to see how messy I left my room. So I will be cleaning my (VERY) messy room, cleaning out my closet. and my stuff will be posted on


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sad to Leave my Mommy!

I am really sad about leaving my mommy tomorrow morning. Its not that hard on me, I mean I miss her don't get me wrong, but she is really upset about it. She misses us all sooo much. But I just keep telling her that she will home in a month, and then when she comes back it won't be long until Spring Break and then Summer and we can all be together a lot more!
Don't take time with your family for granted!!!

Have problems keeping your makeup on your face all day?

Many girls have to reapply makeup lots and lots of times per day or simply put it on once and let it "disappear" throughout the day.

Unfortunately, I am one of those girls. I thought there was no answer except to continue applying throughout the day, but sometimes I didn't have time to do that. I (thankfully) found out about facial primer. You put it on in the morning before you apply your makeup and ta-da!!! your makeup stays alllll day! It really was a miracle for me!

Fluffy robes, flat pillows, and quilts

I was thinking about what makes me feel at home. What things I need to make me feel clean and comfty at home. Three things that are musts are fluffy (light colored) robes, flat pillows (so they won't hurt my neck), and heirloom quilts.
What things make you feel at home?
What things can you not live without?

Home Laser Hair Removal

Have any of you tried home laser hair removal? I have been reading a lot about it and am quite interested. I am just wondering if it works as well as people say. They are quite expensive. If you know of a good kit then please leave a link!

xxxx's & oooo's

Headed home.

I am all packed and ready (not really) to get on the plane tomorrow morning at 6:45 am. It's really sad leaving my mama. She had been really depressed all week about us leaving, but she will be home on Feb. 1 for Senior night at dance!

I am happy to be going on to see Stuart though. It never works out to where we can actually be together on Christmas, so we will be doing Christmas tomorrow as well :)
I know I got a hope chest!
I am so excited about that one!
Will post pics asap!

Monday, December 27, 2010


Yesterday mama, joey, haley, and I rode to San Francisco to spend the day. We stopped on the way at the Vacaville Outlets and I finished Christmas shopping for Stuart. When we finally got to San Fran we decided that we wanted to park as close to Peir 39 as possible. (If you don't know, Peir 39 is the best. You have food,shopping, and sea lions.) We ate at Hard Rock Cafe, the bomb. (Elvis Sunglass pic) I found a guy sitting on the side walk making different shaped wire things, I got a guitar one. So cute. (pic)
FINALLY, we made it to the comlete opposite end of the bay....
Ghirardelli (sp).. anyways. We went in and each bought our favs. Haley, caramel in the middle. Me. Choclate covered almonds.

I have always heard how great their choc covered strawberries are so I wanted to try one so bad. I figured they were overrated and would taste like anyother choc covered strawberry, but no. They were Ahhhh-mazing! Totally worth $3 a piece. :)

So, anyways.

I go home in 3 days. I am sad to leave my mama, but excited to see my boyfriend. We are going to do Christmas the day after I return. He says he has a lot planned :) yay!