Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Love Gone Wrong"

This isn't quite finished yet, but I'm not sure where to go from here. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them.

This aint a long song, it's about love gone wrong.
I gave you all my time, & you broke me down inside.
I tried and tried, & I cried and cried, & you lied and lied.
You had me at your fingertips, now I'm letting the truth slip.
Soon the whole world will know what you put me through.

Because this ain't no love song, it's about love gone wrong.
You mistreated my heart, but you mixed up your cards.
See she is my friend and this is where your game ends.
Now it's our time to play, us getting hurt, it stops today.

Because this ain't no love song, it's about love gone wrong.
I don't need you here to bring me down.
I've realized my worth & I'm not gonna frown.

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