Friday, December 24, 2010

Life is no perfect fairytale, it's what you work to make it be.

When I was a little girl I always dreamed of living a fairytale; you know, finding the "perfect" prince, always getting everything handed to me, and dreaming dreams above the stars and expecting them to come true without any work at all. I quickly learned that life definately isn't a fairytale. However, with consistent work and belief in yourself you can achieve that happily ever after you dreamed of as a little 10 year old girl. I'm only 18, I'm a senior in high school, and I have two small (very small) business. For a long time I wanted to rush past all the work and reach the prize, but now I treat these "struggling" days precious. I have realized how much I am learning from starting a business with less than $50, barely having the money to pay for gas to go buy supplies, and running two business out of an 8X6 bedroom full of clothes, shoes, and vaious other "necessities" of an 18 year old young woman. I want to take you on a journey from having barely-surviving businesses to (hopefully) having to large corporations.

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