Saturday, December 25, 2010

One last post before bedtime :)

This is for all the girls who have been cheated on.

I have been in a relationship for almost 2 years and I've been cheated on on and off the whole time. It's the worse feeling you can imagine. Being continuously hurt by someone you love and give everything to. What hurts me even worse is when I ask why all he has to say is I dont know.

Is a reason why to much to ask for?
I mean the girls he cheats on me with aren't prettier than me (not bragging, just saying).

So I have decided that this is the last time. We are going to see if once a cheater always cheater. I will keep you updated. You will know every detail of the situation.

Because us girls deserve some answers.
We also deserve to be treated wonderfully.

love you guys.

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